But Do You Have People Excellence?

Excellence = Process x People
“This change formula simply means that excellent results require establishing the correct process, or technical solution, and equally important is how well the solution is presented to and accepted by the people,” says JP Gnanam, LSSE Founder and President. “You can have a technical solution that is 100% correct, but if your people acceptance is 50%, then the net success is only 50%. Driving acceptance must be done by well-trained leaders. Simply put, training your teams to lead well will always produce better and sustainable outcomes.”
And that’s People Excellence.
As I’ve trained over the last 20 years in the US, Europe and Mexico, I’ve found people everywhere to be so very similar. They all want the same thing. They WANT to be good leaders. They like their jobs, they support the company, they are full of good ideas to improve processes and operations…but many times that doesn’t come across. Those technically competent leaders are also hungry to know how to:
· Present information, even technical information, in a way that draws in their audience and makes a compelling point;
· Work with their leadership teams positively and professionally, without unhelpful tension and power struggles;
· Lead their employees with strength while maintaining their authenticity and values; and
· Show employees how to manage change without feeling fearful, threatened or resistant.
They can’t learn this through general training courses, by sitting in a classroom and mutely listening to someone espouse theory and philosophy. My passion has always been for developing and delivering training with immediately useful, directly applicable concepts. I want potential, new and seasoned leaders to look forward to using these new skills to engage their employees. I have a firm belief that people become the strongest leaders when they build upon their existing strengths rather than trying to learn a generic set of tools that might not be applicable to their natural style. My ultimate goal is to help leaders take all those new skills and fit them into the framework of their company’s vision, mission and values - which enables leaders and companies to create a winning company culture.
When I spoke with JP Gnanam, I found that he wholeheartedly agrees with this. His company, LSSE, believes that technical training and human capital training go hand-in-hand, that all the technical training in the world is ineffective if the trainees don’t know how to communicate with teams, to sell them on their new ideas, to achieve buy-in from their colleagues.
JP told me that he hears from clients things like this:
"My staff comes back with so many great ideas, but they are struggling to present them in a compelling way."
"All the changes we’re making have created some tension on the team – we need to learn to work together better."
"A successful Lean Initiative creates a lot of change – how do I help my employees become comfortable with change?"
"Learning the Lean process has given me a passion for leading teams, but I feel that I’m just a “technical person.” I want to learn the “people” part."
"How do I lead this transformation while maintaining my employees’ commitment and trust?"
That’s why we developed People Excellence. Using the precepts of authentic leadership, appreciative inquiry, MBTI assessments, values-based coaching, and other traditional and non-traditional approaches, we provide your employees a tool box of real-world, directly applicable skills that they can begin using immediately upon their return to the office to further enhance the technical skills they’ve already mastered.
And THAT is why I’m so excited to be joining the LSSE team!
-Lainie Mabbitt, VP People Excellence
Learn more about our People Excellence offering HERE
or, contact Lainie directly at [email protected]