Continuous Improvement in the SCOR World

Supply Chain Operations Reference Model (or SCOR) is the world’s “most widely accepted framework for evaluating and comparing supply chain activities and their performance.” The model was established and is maintained by the Supply Chain...

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In order for leaders to better manage their teams for continuous improvement initiatives, it is important for them to implement a change management model. Let us take a look at one of the most commonly applied change models in the industry

William Bridges’ Three Phase Transition Model:


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There are several models for change management that can help better leaders’ teams. Let us take a look at one of the most commonly applied change models used:

Kotter 8 Step Change Model:

The Kotter Model is probably the most used change management model in the last decade. Even companies...

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In a previous post, we discussed change management and it’s importance for continuous improvement initiatives. The following is one change management model that can help leaders manage their teams.

Let us take a look at one of the most commonly applied change models in the industry


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Change Management and Continuous Improvement

The importance of change management to successful continuous improvement initiatives cannot be expressed enough. Anytime there is a change it needs to be managed. Otherwise the transformation initiative is bound to fail. Studies have shown that more than 60 percent of transformational initiatives...

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Establishing A Continuous Improvement Organization and Infrastructure

In a previous post we discussed when it makes more sense to build an internal capability versus hiring an external consultant. As we now know, a sustainable continuous improvement program requires the right corporate infrastructure in place that can support and build the continuous improvement...

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Why Companies Need Continuous Improvement Programs

Continuous Improvement Methodologies

Continuous improvement is needed for the firm to perform similar activities better that will enable the firm to provide higher level of quality and service at a much faster rate compared to the competition. However, as companies deploy continuous improvement...

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Top 10 Essentials for a Successful Lean Six Sigma Journey

It is a well-known truth in the business world now that Lean and Six Sigma are powerful process Improvement tools. While everyone agrees on this philosophically, why is it so hard to be successful at implementing, sustaining and excelling in this journey?

We have found 10 ingredients that are...

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Kaizen Event Process

LSSE Kaizen Events: 

A Kaizen Event is an action that is deployed in order to improve processes. Kaizen, specifically, is the exercise of continuous improvement. Having continuous improvement allows companies to optimize their competitive strategy; do better, be more efficient than their...

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What is Six Sigma?

Continuous Improvement Strategy

What is Six Sigma? Six Sigma is a methodology for reducing variation in a given process. It helps improve process capability and greatly reduces the potential for possible defects. In essence Six Sigma is an approach to improve processes and reduce variation,...

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What is Lean?

Continuous Improvement Strategy

What is Lean? Lean Methodology focuses on empowering team members to simplify processes and identify non-value added process steps. These steps are then either eliminated or reduced to improve overall lead time. The focus with Lean is to eliminate waste from the...

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Delivering Value and Applying Lean Concepts to Service Professionals

Our LSSE Senior Consultant and Strategic Advisor, Jerry Rosenthal, was just published in LegalTrek’s "Between Mediocrity & Success: A Lawyer's Guide". Jerry has been a part of Lean Six Sigma Experts for over a year and his industry experience has been an invaluable contribution to...

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